October Fourth Saturday Sort
Come join HYP in supporting Habitat CLT Region’s ReStore efforts!
Come help us sort and inventory the ReStore! Once you sign up, you will get more information from the Habitat office on where to be, and what to bring! To register, each volunteer MUST click the link below
and use code 1438: (https://habitatcltvolunteers.force.com/volunteergroupshiftsearch).
Please note: If you do not see the build listed, that means it has been filled by our amazing volunteers. Please check back the Friday before the build to see if any spots have become available. Learn more about HYP and how to become a member at www.hypcharlotte.org.
Date: Saturday, October 26th
Time: 8AM – 12PM
Location: Habitat for Humanity Wendover ReStore, 11133 N Wendover Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211